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School Opening Hours

The School Day

The school day starts at 9.00am for all pupils. A member of staff will open the school gates at 8.50am and children can be taken into class by staff from this time. Once the gates have been locked, at 9.00am, all access to the school is via the school office.

KS2 children should be brought into the rear playground, and KS1 onto the front playground. You must stay with them until their class teacher takes them inside.

Children who arrive late should report to the office to ensure that they are signed in for the day. Please note that children arriving late after the register has been taken this will affect their attendance mark.  


Playtime - Mornings (whole school) 10.30am-10.45am

                 (Tuesdays KS2 only 10.45am-11.00am due to brass lessons)

                 Afternoon (KS1 only) 2.00pm - 2.15pm 

Lunch - 12.00pm-1.10pm (whole school)

Getting to School

To get to and from school, walking is definitely the best option! If you do need to travel by car, please park wisely, there are limited parking spaces outside school, parking on the recreation ground carpark and walking up to school is the best option.

Collection at the End of the Day

The gates will be open from 3.20pm.

All children

Parents should collect KS2 children from the rear playground and KS1 from the front playground. Class teachers will hand over children when they see you. 

Change of Collection Arrangements or Emergencies

For the safety of our children, parents should let the school office know if a different adult will be collecting their child at the end of the day, if they are likely to be late collecting their child or there are any other changes to the usual end of school arrangements.

Children from Year 5 and 6 are welcome to walk home, however we ask for parents to give consent for this to occur. A form for walking home can be collected from the school office, or can be downloaded off the website.

The school is open during the week; Monday to Friday for 32.5 hours.