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School Houses

Youlgrave House System

In school all children are grouped into one of three houses, Middleton, Lathkill or Bradford, (all named after local Dales). The function of each house is to create a sense of pride, belonging and identity. Each house can be identified by red (Bradford), blue (Middleton) or green (Lathkill) and children wear their house colours for internal house competitions and events such as sports day.

Children routinely collect points, throughout the week, in their classes for good work and behaviour. At the end of the week, House Captains total the points and the winner is announced during Collective Worship.  At the end of each term, the winning house, add their house ribbon to the house cup. The house who wins the most points throughout the year wins the House trophy at the Leavers Assembly. 

We believe that there is something quite special about pupils of all ages coming together, united in their desire  to do their best for their house, to try and win competitions and of course the overall house cup. Children benefit from being put in mixed age, gender and ability groups to develop a sense of camaraderie and teamwork, which promote a culture of kindness. Our House systems helps in creating citizens of the future, whom are ambitious, tolerant, helpful and modest.